My primary mission is to reduce stigma around mental health by talking openly about the things we all go through. In that light, I see myself as a fellow traveler on this journey of life. One who has experienced joy, pain, grief, loss, made mistakes, changed paths, endured, achieved, and created a meaningful life. Although it’s not always easy, I believe in the power of vulnerability and sharing my story with you. Speaking openly about my mental health struggles and being known to you as a real person is what I take pride in the most.
My educational experience includes 11 years of studying psychology and human behavior. I earned a B.A. from Kent State University, M.A. from Florida Atlantic University, and a Ph.D. from Auburn University all in Psychology. My doctoral dissertation centered around Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, which continues to be a passion of mine.
I have helped adolescents, teens, young adults, and adults overcome a variety of presenting concerns across three very different treatment settings (University Counseling Centers, Community Mental Health, and Private Practice).
Each experience has broadened my understanding of human behavior and allowed me to assist more diverse clients with different perspectives, world views, cultures, and difficulties.
I believe it’s important for me to practice what I preach; therefore, I have a variety of interests that keep me balanced. Yoga and meditation are essentials for me. I moved to south Florida to be near my biggest passion, the ocean. I feel both grounded and energized doing almost anything at the beach and in salt water.
I am a very social person, which is why I love engaging with you through social media. I am grateful for all the unique, loud, and hilarious friends and family I have. Finally, the newest chapter of my life is being a parent to my son Finn. I’ll let you know when I figure the whole parenthood thing out… but in the meantime my heart grows watching him grow every day.

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